воскресенье, 8 мая 2011 г.

Using audio online for communication

You can use online audio tools to record teachers, learners and even set up one to one conversations.
Therefore in the classroom, you can use digital audio to practise productive speaking skills and enable communication between two learners or learners and native speakers.
To practise speaking skills you might highlight how a native speaker clarifies understanding or uses intonation to be better understood and then record your learners and give feedback compared to the model. The recordings you make of your learners can be played back through computers, stored in digital files or even uploaded to a class website -which they can share with parents and friends.
Communication can be either synchronous (i.e. at the same time as in voicechat like a telephone conversation) or asynchronous (i.e. not at the same time, as in leaving a recorded message) using the Internet as a platform to join students from different schools, cities and countries and provide opportunities for learners to interview teachers, authors, experts around the world to complete authentic tasks.

Some technologies allow users to share, annotate and edit documents and resources whilst they speak. This means that learners can record presentations, tell a story with pictures, use visuals to support understanding or work collaboratively on a final document. The recordings are all easily stored, shared and can be edited.

If a teacher is confident, they can collect short snippets from the class recordings for feedback on target language, pronunciation etc.


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